This is a common term used by ignorant, self-acclaimed 'middlemen' who many a time do not actually know what it means.
Once again, it is yet another tell-tale sign that you are dealing with fictitious and bogus entities.
So what exactly is CIF ASWP and why is it incorrect?
CIF ASWP stands for Cost Insurance and Freight to Any Safe World Port (ASWP). While CIF is a legitimate international shipping agreement acronym, ASWP is an erroneous term conjured by con-artists to deceive the naive. Why is this so?
If you break it down logically, what this term implies is that the shipping cost to any port in the world is the same.
That doesn't make any sense.
Put it simply, do you think the price to ship goods from the US to the UK is the same as from the US to Taiwan?
The difference in freight rates, insurance coverage and other related logistics costs could easily amount to a couple of hundred thousand dollars depending on the geography of the delivery.
So do yourself a favour and toss any CIF ASWP communication into the bin!
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